Thursday, June 3, 2010

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

June 1st marked 3 years of marriage for us. I would have completely forgotten about it being our anniversary if Mark hadn't reminded me the week before. Mark forgot about it being our anniversary the day of. Ha Ha. In his defense, he remembered in the morning and did tell me happy anniversary but then he left for the day and apparently never thought of it again. He was studying all day at school with his lame computer geek friends for a super important test the following day. It was fine with me that he forgot. I would have let the day come and go if it hadn't been for his reminder the week before. I guess our anniversary isn't that big of a deal to me. But that can't be correct because I make a big deal out of every holiday or celebration day or whatever you call anniversaries, birthdays, father's day, ect. In celebration of the last 3 years, I got his 3 years worth of magazine subscriptions (2 years for Popular Mechanics, 1 year for Consumer Reports) and I made him a delicious dinner that consisted of Chicken Costoletta, mashed potatoes, and green beans. For dessert we had chocolate peanut butter cookies.
Between dinner and dessert Mark got a text message from Scarlett. She was at Wicked and had locked Nate out of their condo. Mark picked up Nate and we gave him some chicken and mashed potatoes and then we all had dessert together. Ha ha. It was an anniversary none of us will ever forget.
I am so grateful for Mark and the last 3 years. Last week he said that he must really love me because we have been together for 4 years and he doesn't want to kill me yet. How romantic.

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