Sunday, June 6, 2010

This is what Clarisa brought with her when she came over today. It was her swing when she was a baby and it has been on her swing set for the last 11 years or so! Ha ha besides some dirt and being faded, it is still in great shape and now Briggs has a swing all his own! I have been searching for one of these for weeks. I hope Mark is able to get it hung tomorrow. I really am so excited to have this swing!

On another note, Briggs is getting really good at low crawling. He keeps his belly on the ground and crawls using his forearms and legs. It is pretty cute and he is starting to realize that he can crawl to get something he wants. Life is about to get more interesting at the Rufty house. Just last week I found him chewing on a week old t-bone that we had given our dogs. I was sure that he would get e-coli or something off it since it was from a steak and it was a week old but he was just fine. Guess it is time to get some outlet covers and put the cleaners on high shelves.

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