This was my first musical and it was fabulous! I have been wanting to see WICKED for 3 or 4 years but never wanted to pay the money for it. I so wish I would have sucked it up and gone sooner! These tickets were a graduation gift and I am so glad that I was able to share the experience with my wonderful husband who also thoroughly enjoyed the show. It really makes you look at the The Wizard of Oz movie completely differently. I hope to go to more musicals in the future and I wouldn't mid seeing WICKED again either, it is that good. Mark wants to see The Lion King the next time it comes to Charlotte so that will be something I definitely keep in mind. I am also so grateful that Lynn and Albert babysit for us every Saturday night for us so that we can have date night. We are so lucky to have them and although we are happy to have nieces and nephews moving here from Idaho and also for Scarlett and Nate's little bambino to come by the end of the month, I don't look forward to sharing Lynn and Albert :)
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