Friday, June 25, 2010

Brigham is 9 months old! I can't believe it. He has grown so much in the last 9 months. It is amazing how fast babies grow! He went from sleeping 20+ hours a day to playing, crawling, laughing, clapping, and eating real food! He can even feed himself. What a difference 9 months can make!
Here are his stats:
Height: 28.5 inches (50-75th percentile)
Weight: 20lbs 2oz (50th percentile)
Head circumference: 46cm (75th percentile)

He gets 3 bottles a day at 7ozs each. He also get 3 servings of fruits, vegetables, or yogurt a day. Sometimes he is interested in snacking and if he is, he gets some of what we are eating, graham crackers, puffs, or Cheerios. He doesn't like frozen yogurt but loves protein shakes. We are thinking that maybe we will never introduce him to real milkshakes and just keep him drinking protein shakes. I think these are his favorite thing ever, at least at the moment.

He has the low crawl down pat. He gets all around the house so quickly now. We love watching him go after the things that he wants. He also pulls himself up if he is holding onto someone hands. He hasn't figured out that he can use other things to pull himself up.

He takes 2 naps a day and their length varies. Usually somewhere between 1-3 hours. The morning nap (around 9) lasts till 11 or so and the afternoon nap (between 2 and 3) lasts until 5 or 6 most days. He is a happy baby and no matter what time of day it is, won't go to sleep if we are out and about. He wants to see what is going on all around him.

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