I just love this picture. It is one of my favorites!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Brigham is 9 months old! I can't believe it. He has grown so much in the last 9 months. It is amazing how fast babies grow! He went from sleeping 20+ hours a day to playing, crawling, laughing, clapping, and eating real food! He can even feed himself. What a difference 9 months can make!
Here are his stats:
Height: 28.5 inches (50-75th percentile)
Weight: 20lbs 2oz (50th percentile)
Head circumference: 46cm (75th percentile)
He gets 3 bottles a day at 7ozs each. He also get 3 servings of fruits, vegetables, or yogurt a day. Sometimes he is interested in snacking and if he is, he gets some of what we are eating, graham crackers, puffs, or Cheerios. He doesn't like frozen yogurt but loves protein shakes. We are thinking that maybe we will never introduce him to real milkshakes and just keep him drinking protein shakes. I think these are his favorite thing ever, at least at the moment.
He has the low crawl down pat. He gets all around the house so quickly now. We love watching him go after the things that he wants. He also pulls himself up if he is holding onto someone hands. He hasn't figured out that he can use other things to pull himself up.
He takes 2 naps a day and their length varies. Usually somewhere between 1-3 hours. The morning nap (around 9) lasts till 11 or so and the afternoon nap (between 2 and 3) lasts until 5 or 6 most days. He is a happy baby and no matter what time of day it is, won't go to sleep if we are out and about. He wants to see what is going on all around him.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Brigham just wasn't getting the whole walker thing. He was moving (mostly backwards) but not intentionally. One day, it finally dawned on me that I should take the toys that I had attached off because he was just playing with those. As soon as I took them off, he was using his walker to get around. Now he enjoys his walker and usually "drives" it while holding on to the "windshield." I absolutely love it!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Today I went to check on our garden (I have been extremely busy this week and haven't really given it a thought) and this is what I found. A tomato plant taller than our house and probably 50 tomatoes that need to turn red, a squash plant that is 18 inches shorter than our tomato plant, and our cucumbers and green beans all tangled together. What a mess! Oh well, we will just have to search a little harder for our veggie treasures.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
There are little baby birds in this birdhouse. We have had this birdhouse for 3 years and never managed to get it hung in a tree because we have pine trees and all the branches are really high and we were unsure about attaching the birdhouse straight to the tree trunk so we just never got around to getting it hung.. It has just been moved around our patio, serving no purpose at all. A couple months ago, Mark stacked some cinder blocks we had along the side of our house and set the birdhouse on top to get it out of the way. Shortly after that, we noticed our birdhouse had a tenant. We couldn't believe it and felt bad that this little house wasn't up in a tree in the shade but it was too late for that. Soon there were some eggs in this little house and now there are 3 little baby birds. This is the best picture I could get without getting too close. The gray that you can see is the baby birds. They are brand new and are often just sitting there with their mouths open. It is just too sweet.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
This is from our night at the Knight's game. It was Brigham's first baseball game. We were there until 10 or so and he was great! I was surprised since he is normally in bed between 8 and 8:30. There were fireworks after the game and they kept his attention for about 2 minutes. We enjoyed our night out with Nate, Scarlett, Daniel, Katelyn, and Ricardo. One picture I wish I would have gotten was when Brigg's was being held by the older couple behind us. They asked to hold him after he spent about 5 minutes trying to crawl over me to get to them. It was pretty stinkin cute. It was also the only time the whole night that he sat still.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Now, the worst part of the trip was that when I opened my trunk when I got to Carowinds, there was no stroller in the trunk. There were several times before we left to go that I had the thought to check to make sure the stroller was in the car. Each time I thought, there is no way it isn't in there. Unfortunately I didn't check for the stroller so I had to carry Brigham to the back of Carowinds because that is where the water park is. Talk about a workout. Carrying a squirmy 20 pound kid, a 10 pound diaper bag (I don't know the actual weight but it was heavy), and a giant beach towel is hard work. I will always double check for the stroller for here on out. As soon as I saw that it wasn't in the car, I remembered that I took it out earlier this week so we could walk to the park.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
This is Sammy. She was one of my students this last semester. At first she drove me crazy because she was a clingy little girl. One day she showed me her "special necklace." It said "In Memory of My Mom." Later that day I asked Mrs. Smith about it and she told me that Sammy's mom died the day before Thanksgiving. I couldn't get enough of little Sammy after that. I wish I could know her forever. She is an only child and her mom had brain cancer since Sammy was 2 years old. This is a picture I took of Sammy at the 4th grade party day when I went back to visit my kids. It has made me miss them all over again.
This is a picture of Josh and Gillen. These were a couple of my favorite boys. I also absolutely loved Owen also but I couldn't get a picture of him. These 3 boys were always so sweet and would get mad at the other kids for not getting quiet for me at the beginning of class. I am going to miss them. They will be little heartbreakers one day. Especially Owen. He is a flirt and all the girls wanted his attention.
Here is Briggs after his dinner. He was dying for a milkshake mustache so his dad gave him one, just as he does almost everyday. Brigham thinks his mustache makes him look more intimidating.
Clarisa spent the day with us. She was trained well last summer by Arden and she was able to help getting Brigham in and out of the car and it was nice having an extra set of hands since Mark wasn't around. I didn't get a picture of Clarisa though. I don't have any of her and Briggs together so I will have to try to remember to get one next time.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
On another note, Briggs is getting really good at low crawling. He keeps his belly on the ground and crawls using his forearms and legs. It is pretty cute and he is starting to realize that he can crawl to get something he wants. Life is about to get more interesting at the Rufty house. Just last week I found him chewing on a week old t-bone that we had given our dogs. I was sure that he would get e-coli or something off it since it was from a steak and it was a week old but he was just fine. Guess it is time to get some outlet covers and put the cleaners on high shelves.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Time Flies When You're Having Fun!
June 1st marked 3 years of marriage for us. I would have completely forgotten about it being our anniversary if Mark hadn't reminded me the week before. Mark forgot about it being our anniversary the day of. Ha Ha. In his defense, he remembered in the morning and did tell me happy anniversary but then he left for the day and apparently never thought of it again. He was studying all day at school with his lame computer geek friends for a super important test the following day. It was fine with me that he forgot. I would have let the day come and go if it hadn't been for his reminder the week before. I guess our anniversary isn't that big of a deal to me. But that can't be correct because I make a big deal out of every holiday or celebration day or whatever you call anniversaries, birthdays, father's day, ect. In celebration of the last 3 years, I got his 3 years worth of magazine subscriptions (2 years for Popular Mechanics, 1 year for Consumer Reports) and I made him a delicious dinner that consisted of Chicken Costoletta, mashed potatoes, and green beans. For dessert we had chocolate peanut butter cookies.
Between dinner and dessert Mark got a text message from Scarlett. She was at Wicked and had locked Nate out of their condo. Mark picked up Nate and we gave him some chicken and mashed potatoes and then we all had dessert together. Ha ha. It was an anniversary none of us will ever forget.
I am so grateful for Mark and the last 3 years. Last week he said that he must really love me because we have been together for 4 years and he doesn't want to kill me yet. How romantic.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
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