Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Summer Resolutions

Sometimes I make New Years resolutions, sometimes I don't. Either way, I never take it seriously and I don't think I ever really try to keep 'em if I do make 'em. Two weeks ago, I decided on some goals for myself for this summer, hence My Summer Resolutions :)

1. Become better at sewing
2. Take a cake decorating course (June is 50% off!!! sounds like this one was meant to be)
3. Play outside every single day with Brigham
4. Get a job

I am not particularly fond of the last goal but it is a necessary evil (hopefully an evil that will only last 3 years. Keeping my fingers crossed).

Yesterday I began working on goal 1. Mark, Brigham, and I went to Mary Jo's and got $50 in fabric. Half of this fabric is for some bags I am going to make for our current and incoming Beehives. I was hoping for some yellow fabric with actual beehives on it but all I found was some blue fabric with bees on it. I am going to make simple totes with a pink lining for the girls to carry their PP books, YW notebook, and whatever else they can fit into these bags. I am not one for patterns or directions. I am more of a trial and error girl when it comes to sewing. I have always just looked at a picture of something and then get to sewing. I think patterns would make my life easier so I will probably use at least one during some point this summer.

The other fabrics I bought were an Amy Butler swirly fabric, a green and white polka dot fabric, and a green and white striped fabric. Krystin told me about these chair harnesses that can be used in place of a high chair when you may in a place where a high chair isn't an option. This intrigued me. Then I read an article in Baby Talk about travel high chairs and 2 of them were chair harnesses. The least expensive one was $30 and it wasn't very cute but I knew I had to have one. I figured I'd keep my eyes peeled at yard sales and search Craigslist until I found one. On Saturday I saw a picture of one that was cute and seemed fairly simple to make.

Now, I hadn't touched my sewing machine in probably a year and a half except to do some quick repairs on stitching that had come undone. So It took me longer than it should have to sew this, 2 hours. I absolutely LOVE it and I can't wait to make the next one better. The next one will have rounded edges and the velcro will be less crooked :)

I can't believe how well it holds him in. It also folds up small so it can just stay in the diaper bag and we will have it whenever we need it. I didn't think about it when I was making it but it is completely reversible. It is made with 3 rectangles of fabric and I mixed and matched the stripes and polka dots so I'm not so sure how good this one will look with the stripes and polka dots on the outside but it is something I will keep in mind for the next one that I make for a lucky somebody :)

I love being able to spend everyday with Brigham and I dread going to work. He is so fun! He is starting to drag himself across the floor if he sees something he wants. This is usually a cell phone, our Harmony remote (we gave him a remote we don't use but I guess since it doesn't have a light up screen, it's just not good enough for him because he could care less about it), or any kind of paper. Today he actually went for his little choo choo train which was a little exciting for me. I can't wait for him to crawl. Here is a picture from Daniel and Katelyn's reception where he shoved a whole mini cupcake into his mouth:

He is just perfect, at least we think so :)

Monday, May 17, 2010


Ten years, a wedding, and a baby later, I finally graduated from college on Saturday. I was the first person in my family to graduate with a bachelors degree. The graduation ceremony made me want to go back for a masters degree but I have no desire to do any more school work. I think one day I may do an online program for a master's degree in reading. We'll see though. I spent Saturday with my family. Krystin had everyone over for dinner. Even my dad and grandmother came which was a surprise because my dad doesn't go out later in the day because of the heat. He can't be in the heat because of his paralysis. My aunt came from Tennessee to celebrate the day with us. It was a great, relaxing night! Last night we had some friends and family over. It was a fun night and I am so grateful for everyone that came.

Brigham has also graduated to holding his own bottle! He has been doing it for about 2 weeks now. He had been putting his hands on his bottle while I was holding it for a while but if I would let go, the bottle would fall. All of a sudden one day he was able to hold it up on his own. The best part is is we are out and it is time to eat, I can just lay the back of his stroller down and he will just feed himself. This is my favorite part of his new skill
On Friday, Brigham measured at 19.2 pounds and 27.5 inches long. His weight is in the 50th percentile for his age and his length is in the 75th percentile. He is growing so fast. We look forward to him being able to walk and run so we can chase him and play more. I also look forward to playing with him at Carowinds all summer! I can't wait to put this season pass to good use. I also hope that I can find a swing for him to hang up between 2 of our trees. I think he would enjoy swinging and I want to give him as much outside fun time as possible. I will probably get him a small kiddie pool also.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The End is HERE!!!!

Yesterday was my very last day of school FOREVER. I can't imagine ever going back to school for anything unless I eventually get my master's through an online school. I may do that just because it seems like a pretty neat accomplishment but we'll see. I will only do it through an online program. I really don't want to go back on a college campus for any classes ever again.
I thought I was going to be an emotional wreck on my last day but I was able to hold it together. When I walked into the classroom at 6:50 my desk was covered in all kinds of classroom supplies and cards and a poster for all the students to sign. My teacher was next door. I set my stuff down and then went next door to thank her and my eyes filled with tears and I couldn't speak. The other time I almost lost it was in the teacher's lounge when a parent of one of my students came up to me and thanked me for making such a good impression on her daughter. She said her daughter has never loved one of her teachers. Once again I got teary and could barely speak. I loved her daughter as well. I loved almost all the students. All day they were asking for me to sign anything they could find. It was a nice day and I was dreading walking the students out to the buses all day. The time finally came and it was hard. There were probably 15 crowded around me as we walked. There were hugs being given and tears being held in by me. I had 65 students and I wish I could know what happens down the road for each and every one. They were a great group of kids and I was truly lucky to have such a wonderful student teaching experience. I can't wait to go back and visit on June 7th when they have their end of year class party.
There were 3 boys that brought me flowers and one of them brought in some roses and a homemade card. The card said that he picked the flowers from his yard just for me. The card said some other things as well and I was just so surprised that a boy would put that much time into something. He will be a heart breaker in a few years.
Now I have to find a job. I wish I could get one before the end of summer but it's not very likely. I am going to start handing out my resume next week at area charter schools and a few CMS and Gaston County schools.
Now, Brigham on the other hand is growing up. He holds his bottle all by himself now. He is also trying to crawl. He doesn't lift himself off his belly and he doesn't get on his knees at all but it looks like he is getting close to getting up on his knees. Mark and I work with him everyday. We know it will be more challenging when he is crawling but it will be even more fun. We love him so much and we still race to be the one to get him out of his crib after his naps and we fight over holding him and feeding him. It is pretty funny.