Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Graduation Day

On December 17th Mark graduated from UNCC with his Bachelor's Degree in Software Information Systems. I was able to score front row seats right behind the stage and Mark was on the front row of his section so our seats could not have been any better. His mom and Albert came for the weekend to celebrate with us. It was great to be able to visit with them. Ark graduated in top 5% of his college as Magna Cum Laude. He has only gotten 3 b's while at UNCC and he was in an incredibly hard program. On his graduation had he deconstructed it and created a pick ax with yellow LED lights. It was pretty impressive but a lot of hard work. Several people commented that they loved the message his hat sent. We were puzzled for a second about that but then we realized people thought it was a cross. Ha ha
That night we had a graduation celebration with friends at the Burger Company. I wish I would have gotten a picture with everyone that came. Afterwards we came back to our house for dessert. It was a crock-pot peanut butter cake with molten chocolate. It was disgusting. It was a great celebration day and we are all so proud of Mark for doing so well!
The countdown is on for graduation celebration #2 this coming December when he graduates with his Master's Degree!
It is such a good feeling to know that both parents of our children are college graduates!

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