Tuesday, January 31, 2012


We spent the weekend in Gatlinburg at a beautiful cabin with our Auntie Becky and Uncle Paul. We stayed at the cabin most of the time and ate at some great restaurants for dinner. On Sunday Mark, Brigham, and I went hiking. It was cold and I did the 2 1/2 mile hike in my Rainbows. Ha ha. My hands and teeth were cold the whole time but other than that it was great! We hiked to Laurel Falls and it was just beautiful! About half way to the fall we met a park ranger that told us we could not have Reagan on the trail with us. Mark ran her back to the car and then ran back up the trail to meet us as we slowly walked up the mountain. Brigham rode in his stroller pretty much all the way to the top and it was so much harder pushing that stroller for the short amount of time I did it while we waited for Mark to catch up. Mark and Brigham climbed down some rocks to go play by the stream. Brigham loved that part! Mark ended up carrying him almost all the way back down the mountain where Brigham slept in his arms the while time. It was a fun hike and Mark plans on hiking everyday that we are in Gatlinburg from now on.

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