Brigham has been rolling from his tummy to his back for months now and for a while this was a problem because he was waking himself up in the middle of the night and then crying till we rolled him back over onto his tummy. This morning after I changed his diaper, I watched him frolick on the floor of his room and all of a sudden he was on his belly! It was so exciting. Since I wasn't paying complete attention, I was unsure if he had gotten his legs under mine and that had helped him roll over. He rolled himself back to his back then a minute or so later, he was back on his belly! I was so excited and he was too! He was smiling so big both times. He isn't a fan of smiling for the camera so of course he gave me his trademark look for the camera.

It's been a busy couple of weeks but I only have 2 weeks left of full time teaching! I also only have 1 more observation left and it will be on March 25th. I can't wait to start dropping some of my teaching responsibilities. Everything is going great though and I love my students (at least most of them). I have my favorites even though I know I shouldn't. I will miss these kids and wish I could know them all their lives. Oh well.
Our house has been insane this week but it's almost back to normal. I miss the normal but the insanity will definitely be worth it :)
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