We have been pretty busy the last few weeks. One thing that took up every free moment we had for 2 weeks is still under wraps. Other than that, Mark and I have been on school overload. It's the busy time of the semester for Mark with tests and projects and then I was finishing up everything leading up to my final observations. This upcoming week is my last week of teaching anything. I will teach literacy this week then we have spring break and when we get back, I will just be observing again. It is so nice and I can't wait to be completely done! Now all I have left to do is cram for the Praxis II and compile my data from the semester for my ISL (impact on student learning) project. I am not looking forward to working on that thing at all. When it's completed, it will be at least 100 pages of data and reflection. Two things that I do not like having to deal with or do. Oh well. The thought of graduation makes it all worth it. I can't believe I am actually going to finally be graduating! If I could do it all again, I wouldn't take a 4 year break from school. What a colossal waste of time. The one good thing that came from that was maturity. I was a much better and more focused student after I went back to school at 25.
Brigham had his 6 month check up on March 24th.
Weight: 16 pounds 7 ounces
Length: 27.5 inches
His first tooth finally broke through on March 15th. It is his bottom tooth on the right. The one on the left should be breaking through any day now. You can see it but when you touch his gums you can't feel it. The doctor said his top teeth will be coming soon but I will believe it when I see it. She said the same thing about his bottom teeth at his 4 month check-up and it took almost 2 months for one to break through.
The boy loves rolling over but he struggles when he is trying to roll from his belly to his back. His arm just always seems to get in his way but he eventually figures it out each time. He will roll down the hallway if you let him. His favorite thing still seems to be the Jumparoo. He goes crazy in that thing. It was the best $10 we ever spent!!! Brigham still doesn't sit up on his own. He is definitely strong enough but he doesn't have the whole balancing thing figured out yet. We have been working with him everyday though for the past week or so and I think it won't be too much longer till he can sit on his own. He sits on his own now if we hold his legs down. He is growing so fast and he doesn't seem so much like a baby anymore. He is the best baby we could ask for. He is so easy. He doesn't really cry ever unless he is super tired and we are off our schedule which rarely happens. He laughs often especially if you bite on his arms. That just cracks him up for some reason. Almost every morning I hear him in his crib talking to himself at 6:30am. This is what time I leave and it is so hard to not go in there and scoop him up. His wake time is supposed to be 7:30 and that is what time Mark gets up and goes to get him. Sometimes he has fallen back asleep. Hopefully he will quit waking up that early whenever I quit being up that early. I wonder if my noise wakes him up sometimes.
He has been eating baby food for a little while now. We have been feeding him 3 times a day with a spoon. He is not a big fan of the vegetables but loves his fruit. Today we mixed the spinach with some prunes and he loved that. We are hoping that if we slowly decrease the amount of prunes we mix in, he will eventually eat just plain spinach. Sometimes we just throw the vegetables into his bottle and let him drink them. Prunes, peaches, and apple sauce seem to be his favorite fruits. He doesn't eat the bananas as easily. We have just been making our own baby food in the VitaMix. Mark takes care of it all and it is pretty great. We just add a little water to whatever we are pureeing and it is just like what is in the containers of baby food at the store. It is so much cheaper than buying all that baby food.
1 comment:
I love that picture! brigham, you're sooo handsome!
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