Last night it snowed, again. This is a really pretty snow. It was a heavy wet snow so it's great for snowballs! What was also great about this snow was that it melted from the streets fairly quickly. Last night after Brigham's dreamfeed (yes we are back to doing the dreamfeed) Mark was acting a little suspicious when he went out to our cars so I went out the back door and made a big snowball and then went out the front door and ran up to Mark and just threw it at him. We then proceeded to just throw snow at each other. I wasn't even wearing shoes; just socks. It was wonderful. We were both laughing so hard. Most of the snow will probably melt away today and I am a little sad to see it go. It really is so beautiful this time.
Teaching is going well. I had my first observations this past week and they were good. This next week is going to be a busy one. I have to video tape myself teaching on Monday, Mrs. Smith will be doing her 2nd observation of me Tuesday, and then Wednesday Dr. Gibbs is coming for her 2nd observation. I don't know that there will be that much growth from my 1st and 2nd observation since they are only a week apart but there will hopefully be a little growth. My third observations are the week of March 8th. One of the 5th grade teachers stopped me in the hall on Thursday and told me that there will be 1 and possibly 2 openings for teachers in 5th grade at the end of the year and she told me to get the principal and vice principal to observe me teaching if I wanted to be a contender for the job. Then on Friday we had our Mardi Gras celebration at school and the principal bought lunch for everyone so we went to the teachers lounge and the principal and vice principal were there eating and we just happened to sit at their table. This was my first opportunity to talk to them since I have been there. They asked me if I was interested in teaching in CMS. So we'll see how this all turns out. I don't hate teaching now that I am doing it so hopefully this all works out in my benefit. I do love the school I am at and it is one of the few school's I would teach at in CMS.
Brigham is doing well. He is still teething. Who knows when these teeth will finally push through but he's become less fussy and more like his old self again. This may be in part to me changing his schedule again! I have put him back on 3 naps a day and we put him to bed between 7 and 7:30 at night. I have also been able to get him to quit rolling himself over onto his back in the middle of the night (which leads to him crying until he is rolled back onto his belly) by using this wedge pillow thing that I got as a baby shower gift that is intended to help them sleep on their side. Once we began putting him on his belly to sleep, we quit using this wedge. Well now it is super handy to have and I am so glad that I held onto it. Last night was our first night using it but it was great. It has also made putting Brigham down for naps easy again! He just goes to sleep just like he used to. He has been getting liquefied carrots or green beans in his bottles each day. We put a little rice in his dreemfeed bottle. We had been giving him more rice but he became a little constipated so we stopped completely and now we are reintroducing it into his diet. He's probably forgotten how to eat from a spoon since 2 weeks ago he had finally gained the skill to eat from the spoon and was opening his mouth when he saw the spoon coming. We will probably start feeding him that way again in the next few days. Mostly we've just been too lazy to do it I think.
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