Brigham is five months old today. I cannot believe it! We do love the little man so much. In celebration, we took him his first UNCC basketball game. The 49ers lost but Brigham enjoyed it all the same. Mark took him for his monthly doctor's visit on Friday so he could get some more shots. Since we are doing the modified vaccinations schedule, he goes for shots every month. Mark has been the one to take him since I have school. Mark said he will cry for maybe 5 seconds and then he was fine. He weighed in at 16.6 pounds and 26.5 inches long. He still doesn't have any teeth but he drools like crazy and chews on his fingers constantly. I actually can't believe how much he drools. His clothes get soaked if he's not wearing a bib in just a couple of hours. Going back to a 3 hour schedule has been great. Brigham is a fairly happy baby and we are so grateful for that.
We have continued to be lazy when it comes to feeding Briggs from a spoon. We tried sweet potatoes a couple times and he gags and spits them out. When we puree sweet potatoes and put them in his bottle he drinks it no problem so I'm thinking it may be a texture thing for him. I'm also thinking that we need to get better about feeding him with a spoon before his 6 month well check next month. We'll see.
He has contracted a cough somewhere along the way and it is getting worse by the day. He is super congested and it is just pitiful. Hopefully it won't last too long. This is the 2nd time he has been sick since he was born. I'm slightly surprised that he hasn't been sick more considering how much he is around so many other people.
As for me, I start teaching full time (all subjects, all day) tomorrow. I am dreading this but luckily the teacher I work with is super fantastic and helps me A LOT. I'm just hoping the next 5 weeks fly by! After that I get to release the subjects back to her and go back to just observing. Let the countdown begin!!!
If he won't eat food from a spoon and gags, it typically just means he's not ready. I'm also pretty sure I read it's not a good idea to put food in a bottle. I forgot why, but one reason is it can cause them to over eat. He's still young though, Just wait for the signs that he is ready for solids like watching your every move when you eat and reaching for your food.
Dr Sears has some good info
He will eat rice cereal and oatmeal, just not sweet potatoes. Mark did some research and he read several places to give them new food in their bottle. I'll tell him about the Dr. Sears website. He's in charge of the baby food researching and making :)
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