For Mark's birthday we went to Carrabba's with friends and it was great. We didn't get a group picture but Melanie, Kenny, their daughter Madison, Amber and Matt, Nate, Scarlett, Janae and Jason, Daniel, and Justin, Shannon and their daughter Kaitlyn. It was a great night. I made some cupcakes and we had them for dessert there. I meant to get a picture of the cupcakes because they were so pretty and really good!! They are my new favorite dessert. They were chocolate cupcakes with chocolate ganache filling, vanilla buttercream frosting with a strawberry on top. They were completely made from scratch. I really can't wait to make them again.
I didn't realize how much I didn't like Mark's chin hair this long until now when I saw this picture I just uploaded. Luckily he has since shaved. I am a huge fan of facial hair, just not long facial hair.
recipe for those cupcakes, girl!!! lol :D
That facial hair was gross. I wish I could destroy all photographic evidence.
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