Thursday, April 4, 2013


Brigham is such a fun, silly, loving, cuddly, serious boy. He worries about Aubree- Rose when he doesn't know where she is. He loves making her laugh and making her cry. She gets aggravated when he touches her hands, feet, legs, and head. Ha ha. He loves laying on her, pushing on her, and pulling her arms and hands. Brigham is a pretty good eater. He willingly tries new foods. He loves artichokes, chicken, chicken nuggets, cheese, butter, homemade macaroni and cheese, waffles, milk, protein shakes, and anything sweet. These are things he consistently loves. Other foods may be hit or miss depending on the day.
Brigham's favorite movie is Rise of the Guardians. Almost every day he says he "wants to watch it 2 times and then we can turn the tv off." He also asks if we can watch daddy's scary show. Ha ha. I think this is referring to Once Upon a Time and/or Grimm. Brigham loves playing with his cars more than anything else (except maybe the iPad). He loves Iron Man and the avengers. He has some guitar pajamas that he wants to wear constantly. He has even worn them to the store And to the gym. I never thought I would let my kid wear pajamas in public but you have to pick your battles and if he wants to wear his pajamas 24 hours a day then so be it. I won't let him wear them to school though. I'm not that crazy. Ha ha
Brigham is currently enrolled in swim lessons. He has 5 weeks to go. He loves going but he doesn't really love the lesson. Last week they made them go under water. I thought that would for sure be the end of liking swim lessons. He wouldn't go under by himself but he didn't cry when they put him under and he let them do it 2 or 3 times. Afterward he said he loves swim lessons. He still hates taking a bath or shower if he has to wash his hair. He HATES water on his face. It can be a huge ordeal at bath time. I am hoping he grows out of this.
We love this funny sweet boy so much and we are so grateful he chose us!

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