I took picture above on the morning of Aubree's birthday. She is such a smiley happy girl. Until recently she would eat anything we gave her. Now she has an aversion to mashed potatoes. Ha ha. She just laughs and turns her head so that we can't get near her mouth. Something that she loves but can't have is dairy. It gives her an awful diaper rash and makes her puke. Milk puke is super stinky!

Aubree isn't walking yet. She cruises along furniture and crawls super fast but no walking. Mark predicts she will be walking by 14 months. She could easily do that but I also see 14 months coming and going and she will still be just crawling around. Ha ha. She doesn't seem all that interested in walking. Her max walking time with us holding her hands is probably a minute.
She loves playing with Brigham's cars and any toys that make noise. So far she isn't a toy cuddler and she isn't all about the baby dolls.
Aubree was off the bottles before her birthday which is always a great thing! I hate washing bottles. She eats 3 times a day. She would eat snacks if we have them to her but any time she eats anything other than the 3 meals she will puke so I try to avoid any extra eating. Every morning she has oatmeal and a banana. The rest of the day depends on what is in the refrigerator.
Her stats:
Weight: 22lbs-85th percentile
Height: -25th percentile (I have to find the sheet with her actual measurements)

What she does when she doesn't want to eat what we are feeding her

Favorite thing to climb on now that the stairs have a gate

First peanut butter sandwich


At Boppy and Gabby's

The Party
We had about 25 people over for her party on March 24th. It was all family or family of family. Mark created the birthday menu. We had grilled BBQ chicken, potato salad, and macaroni and cheese. We had some fresh fruits and veggies and dips also. I made a pink ombré cake with white frosting. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the inside of the cake. We sang Happy Birthday to Aubree and my grandmother and right at the end, Aubree touched the flame of the candle and spent the next few minutes crying. Krystin got some good pictures once she calmed down and realized how sweet the frosting on her cupcake was. It was a great party and we are so grateful to have so much family close by.