Last week she finally darted rolling over from her belly to her back more often. He hadn't done it at all since the one time she did it at the end of June. On August 1st she was finally able to roll from her back to her belly. I tried giving her rice cereal but she hates it so we will wait a month and try again. She is still a great sleeper t night and a not so good afternoon napper but we are a-ok with that!

Brigham LOVES drawing, painting, television, dinosaurs, trains, cars, garbage trucks, fire trucks, slides, swimming, fresh peaches, strawberries, bananas, milk, Cheerios, frosted mini wheats, Crispix, chocolate, dried mango, chicken legs, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and spaghetti. He talks all the time and the phrases I hear about 1,000 times a day are " watch this" and "mommy watch." He is starting preschool on August 28th and we are so excited for him to have the opportunity to be around other kids 3 days a week. Hopefully he will love it.
Mark started his career at TIAA-CREF in July. He is enjoying it so far and we are adjusting to him being away 40+ hours a week.
We have started to look at houses in Belmont and Mount Holly and we have found one on 1.7 acres in Mount Holly. It is a short sale so it will most likely take a while for us to get it but we will most likely put in an offer next week and then just wait and hope it is accepted. It was built in 1942 and needs a lot of updating and remodeling to meet our needs and although it isn't an open floor plan at all I just love it and we really love all the land it is on. I know it will all work out how it is supposed to but the waiting will be torture!
This is from a wedding reception/open house where I was in charge of the food. A week before, I had the brilliant idea to make cake stands to display all the food. I also made almost all the food so it was a very hectic week!
2 comments: this a new house?
No. I wrote this post almost 2 months ago. I'm not sure why it just published last night. Must have something to do with the iPhone. I write almost all posts on it since that is where all my pictures are.
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