Saturday, March 17, 2012

So at yesterday's doctor appointment I found out that I am 2cm and 50%. Technically I could go into real labor any time but this is the same place I was at 2 weeks before my water broke with Brigham and 5 hours after being induced. So I don't think this "progress" means much of anything. With Brigham I never had any contractions until I was induced but I have been having contractions for weeks with this little girl so maybe that will help get her here on Friday.
Today Brigham went to his first birthday party that wasn't for family. It was a princess party and he went as a prince. He was the only kid dressed up besides a couple girls that had on tutu's. Oh well. He had a lot of fun. He had so much fun in fact that he ended up getting diarrhea all over himself and the slide and the platform for the slide. That was embarrassing. Patti came and said that someone had diarrhea but she couldn't tell who it was. They closed off the swing set and brigham got a quick bath. Luckily I had some jeans in the car for him to put on and we went home. He acted fine and he still seems fine. I think maybe all the pineapple he ate caused it but who knows. I put a diaper on him when we got home so there would be no accidents while the missionaries were here for dinner.
Today was definitely day I won't forget!

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