Saturday, July 10, 2010

Baby Showers and What Not

I have spent the past couple weeks preparing for 2 showers that I was throwing for Scarlett this week. There was so much I wanted to do but I wasn't able to accomplish. I made sweet Carolina a diaper cake, quilt, and mobile for her room. It was my first time making a diaper cake and mobile and both were fairly easy and didn't take much time at all! We went with a bird theme for the showers and I would have liked it to have been a little more obvious that we had a theme but who really remembers these things anyways? I made bird nest favors by shaping no-bake cookies into a nest shape and putting a Jordan Almond in the nest for the egg. I made cupcakes for the Saturday shower and toasted coconut and placed it on the cupcakes to look like a nest with 2 Jordan Almonds in the nest. The mobile consisted of 4 birds (that Mark drew the template for) that hung by a ribbon. I didn't get a picture of it but if I must say so myself, I thought it was pretty darn cute. It hung on our dining room hanging light for 2 days and I grew quite fond of it.

In other news, Brigham isn't so fond of crawling anymore. He prefers to walk everywhere. The only problem is that he can't walk unless you are holding his hands so we spend a lot of time walking around our house and it gets quite boring. He is also bored with his toys. I need to go yard sale-ing to get him some new stuff. Hopefully I will be able to score some this Saturday. Last week Brigham wasn't his usual sweet self. He was cranky and not very fun to be around. Turns out, (we assume) that he was cranky because he was off schedule. We were out late a lot last week and the week before and it just totally jacked him up. This last week was much better and we were all happier. We only kept him out late twice. Once was Monday night for fhe and this is the case every Monday that we aren't hosting. The second time was last night when we went to dinner with Nate, Scarlett, Carolina, Daniel, and Katelyn. After dinner we went to my very favorite place, Yoforia. It is a fabulous frozen yogurt place. Brigham was his normal, social self and was making friends with the dogs and strangers that were getting yogurt also. Everyone was watching him and commenting on how cute and funny he was and how he looks exactly like Mark. I thought that was funny because just hours before, our neighbor was telling Mark that Brigham looks exactly like me.

Brigham's newest skill: Pulling himself up. He has been doing this for about 2 weeks now. I love going into his room in the morning or after nap time to see him standing up waiting for us to rescue him.

Here are some pictures from the shower today at Nate and Scarlett's. I don't have any pictures from the shower earlier in the week.

That is my very favorite picture of Scarlett from today and possibly ever. ( You can also see my diaper cake lingering in the background.)

We love you Scarlett and Carolina and we are so grateful that we were a part of the celebration of Carolina's birth.

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