Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Our Tree
Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
What Have We Been Doing?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Time Flies
A year ago today I was sitting in a hospital bed holding our new baby boy. When I think back over the past year, so much has happened that it seems like it was ages ago but then it also seems like there is no way that it has already been a whole year! Mark has gone back to school, I completed student teaching and received my degree and NC teaching license (which may never be used), Mark was accepted to graduate school and is taking a mixture of grad and undergrad classes, we sold the Tundra, paid off my student loans, and lots of other little things.
Briggs has grown so much. He looks so different from when he was born but you can still see him in his newborn pictures. It is so interesting. After 12 months of life here on Earth he has turned into a walking, babbling, food loving, independently playing, cuddly boy. We love him so much and are so grateful that our lives have been blessed with him.
We celebrated his birthday with family members on Sunday, September 19th. Brigham loved his birthday cake and we had to take it away after he ate half of it so that he didn't make himself sick. He also loved the toys that he received from our sweet family. Those in attendance: Grandmother, Pappy/Boppy, Auntie Becky, Uncle Paul, Mimi, Clarisa, Grandma Mooney, Melanie, Brandon, Madison, Landon, Alison, Cameron, Daniel, Katelyn, Scarlett, Nate, and Carolina.