This was a Thanksgiving that we will never forget!
Our day started with Mark going to play in the ward Turkey Bowl and I was at home taking care of Briggs, cooking, cleaning, and then getting Briggs and myself ready for the day. We went to my Aunt Dawn's house and celebrated Thanksgiving with my dad's family. It was the first time for most them to meet Briggs so it was a tiring event for him. He fell asleep during lunch and didn't wake up until I had to put him in his car seat for us to come home where he went back to sleep.
Once returning home, we had to quickly straighten up the house and begin cooking for the Thanksgiving dinner we were hosting for Mark's family and part of mine. We got home at 3:45 and people were supposed to be arriving between 4:30 and 5 and dinner was scheduled to be at 6.
At almost 5 no one had arrived yet and Mark was vacuuming when he realized he needed to hurry and get the turkey going. It takes almost an hour to fry. He ran to the refrigerator to get the turkey out and prepped to discover that our turkey was still FROZEN! I couldn't believe it. It had been sitting in the refrigerator for 4 days! I immediately thought it was hilarious that we weren't going to be having turkey for Thanksgiving this year but at least Mark's mom was bringing ham so at least there would be some meat at our dinner. Mark's reaction to the frozen turkey was slightly different. He tried defrosting it in the bathtub and then he went to Wal-Mart and Bi-Lo trying to find a fresh turkey but with no luck. The frozen turkey ruined his mood and his night, at least the first half of the evening anyways.
He ended up baking some BBQ chicken to go with our ham and all the delicious sides we had. It was a good night and the food was great! I ate only the sides because that is my favorite part of Thanksgiving! Who needs turkey? NOT ME!
Brigham ended up going to sleep for the night at 8. I thought that since he was going to sleep earlier than normal and had slept more than normal during the day that he would be up all night but no. He slept all night and it was great! (when I say all night, he got up some time between 4 and 7 as he has done every night the past 3 weeks)
In the spirit of Thanksgiving I am so thankful for Briggs being the sweet wonderful surprise that he was. We love him so much and can't wait to give him some brothers and maybe a sister in a few years. I am thankful that Mark has been given the opportunity to go back to school. I am also so thankful for our financial security. We aren't sure how but we have more money in our bank account now than we had when we were both working regularly! We have truly been blessed so much this year.
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