1. He loves to be held
2. He has to be held to go to sleep
3. If you put him in his crib after he is asleep, he is awake within 10 minutes
4. If you put him in his crib before he is asleep, he cries until you get him
5. If you put him on his belly in his cradle after he falls asleep on you, he'll sleep for hours
hmmmm..... maybe we have done more learning than Brigham
Things we love:
When he stretches
His crazy faces he makes when he is asleep and awake
His sweet little noises when he eats
When he laughs in his sleep
His smile-it makes you melt
1 Month Check-up
Date: October 20th
Weight: 10lbs 3oz
Height: 22.5 inches
Head Circumference:39cm
Surgery Follow-up
Date: October 20th
Everything is great and there looks to be no permanent damage!! YAY!!!
First smile: We don't know if this was his first real smile was but last Sunday Mark squeezed Brigham's cheeks together giving him a fish face and Briggs smiled for that and has been smiling ever since.
Tummy Time:
He's not a big fan but he doesn't complain too much (for the first 10 minutes anyways)
Eating and Sleeping:
He eats 3oz every 3 hours24 hours a day
Here are pictures of his 1 month Birthday! We celebrated with Nate, Scarlett, Daniel, and Katelyn and we watched Modern Family and ate brownies!!
This is a picture of Daniel showing off his sweet dance moves before we took the real picture
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