Mark, his mom, Albert (her husband), Reagan (a.k.a. Little White Dog) and I drove to Nauvoo at the end of July for the last weekend of the pageant. I had always wanted to go to Nauvoo and since Mark is my own personal Aladdin, he once again granted my wish.
We left July 30th at midnight. Mark drove the whole 15 hours there. He is really is the best. Anyways, we arrived at our hotel just after 2 in the afternoon and we all took a nap. We headed into Nauvoo around 4. We spent our evening seeing some of the shows and the 2nd half of the pageant (in case it was rained out on Saturday night).
On Saturday we spent the entire day in Nauvoo and we had Reagan with us. We started out on the carriage tour at 9am and then did the wagon tour. It was raining so it was a good time to be on a covered tour. Reagan wasn't allowed on the wagon and carriage tours so we had to leave her in the car for those. She was able to spend the rest of the day with us as long as we held her whenever we were inside any buildings. We spent the day touring homes and shops and eating in downtown Nauvoo. Then we rushed up to Carthage so we could tour the jail there. I think that was my favorite part of the trip. It was a great day. The rain cleared up around 1pm and it turned into a beautiful day. We were able to reserve great seats for the pageant that night and it was so beautiful. I'm so glad we were able to see at least half of the pageant twice.
We got back to our hotel at almost midnight and we all crashed. We got up Sunday morning and started our trip home. We had so many laughs on this trip and I am so glad we were able to go with Lynn and Albert.
Our traveling buddies

Outside Carthage Jail

Where the pioneers crossed the Mississippi to leave Nauvoo

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