She says a few words: boo, whoa, bebe (baby), & mama (but mostly only when she is mad. Ha ha).

She and Brigham have been playing together more and more and I love it. They really adore each other and it will be fun to watch their relationship grow.
Brigham is a funny boy. He has taken on the nickname Magic Mike because of his face dance moves. He does a mean hip thrust that makes us laugh every time. He loves video games. Robots, rocket ships, and dinosaurs more than anything else.
Lately he has been telling me things that happened to him when he was a girl. Most of the time he says he would fall down when he was a girl so he isn't a girl anymore. Ha ha. I laugh and ask questions about being a girl. I probably discourage him from saying he used to be a girl. It is cute and innocent to me but kids will not think it is cute.
We started building our porch 5 weeks ago and it is finally almost finished. Today we had the wiring done for the lights and the fans. Now we just have to get the metal roof put on. I can't wait to have it finished and have furniture out there. It is going to be great! I figured out what I want to do with Brigham's room. My goal is the get it painted in the next 2 weeks. I put all the totes that were in the nursery side of his room in the attic this week. They have been there since we moved.i didn't think I would be able to move them up the stairs alone but it was easy and I am so glad to finally have them out of there. I kind of know how I want our room to be. It is next on my list after Brigham's. I have several ideas for downstairs. I really want to get it painted but I also really don't want to paint it. It is a good neutral color but I just don't like it. It looks clean but it doesn't match the vision in my head. I am trying to leave it tan until I just can't take it anymore. Our entire house is one color so maybe once I get our bedrooms painted it won't be so bad. I also really want to paint all the trim white. It is currently cream. I really don't like it. That will be such a huge task because I will also have to paint all the doors in the house. We only had 9 doors in our old house that I had to paint when I changed the trim color to white. This house has 8 just upstairs and then there are the folding closet doors. I'm just not sure I will ever be ready for that much painting.
We had solar panels installed in June. We lost a lot of trees in the process and it was shocking to see our privacy go away but it really opened up our yard and we have more options now. Our plan is to close off part of the array and make it a chicken coop. I am pretty sure this will not happen before next year. We have to clear out all the limbs and logs from all the trees that were cut down. That is going to take forever.
Mark is doing great at his job and people love him. He is really enjoying it. We have been blessed with a great life!