A couple weeks ago we drove to Gastonia to pick Raspberries. The swings were Brigham's favorite part. Ha ha He was great while I picked the raspberries. He helped a little bit but he mostly just watched me or played with Aubree or walked around. Scarlett and Carolina met us there a little later and he loved playing with Carolina. He threw a small tantrum as I drug him away from these swings. Aubree was beyond tired and I had a doctor's appointment to get ready for,
At least 2 times a month during the summer we have family dinner at Melanie and Brandon's neighborhood pool.

Brigham is really loving swimming this year.

This is a selfie I found of our boy on my phone

He loves playing his guitar

Today he touched a pot of boiling water and burned his hand. He was falling asleep sitting at the table with his hand on the ice pack so I moved him to the couch. He slept with his hand on the pack for an entire hour. The best part was his hand didn't hurt anymore when I woke him up.

This made me laugh when I walked into the living room yesterday.

On the way to the pool/family dinner and Mark offered his sunglasses to Brigham but Brigham said he had his goggles. Ha ha ha (his hands are his "goggles" keeping the sun out)

Brigham's last soccer practice/game for the season. He loves practice and doing drills but he does not like being a part of the herd of kids chasing the ball during the games.