Saturday, May 26, 2012

2 Months

At 2 months life is happier for us all. Aubree has settled into a 3 hour schedule and is sleeping in her crib for all her naps and even at night now. It is wonderful! My goal wake up time for her is 8am. She is waking up between 6 and 8 each morning. Most mornings she will take a pacifier and go back to sleep until 8. If not, she will drink part of a bottle and sleep until 8. There have been a couple nights this week where she slept until between 5:30 and 6 and it was wonderful!
As of June 1st she is 22.75 inches long 55.32%), 12.5 pounds (81.74%), and a head circumference of 39cm (47.7%).
Over the last week her drooling has kicked into high gear. Today after getting home from Target she had a puddle of drool on her shirt. She chews/sucks on her fist a lot more also. Brigham's drooling started at about this age and he didn't get any teeth until I think 6 months and his drooling didn't stop until I think 12 or 18 months. It will be interesting to see if she follows that same path.
She drinks 4ozs when she wakes up from each nap and stays up for an hour then sleeps the next 2 hours. We do this 5 times a day which comes out to 4 naps a day.
Aubree is especially smiley when she first wakes up and as long as she is kept on schedule she is a very easy baby. We adore her to pieces and we are so happy she picked us to be her family.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Man of the House

Things He Loves:
Cars and Trucks
Running Fast
Watching tv
Kissing Aubree
Playing Tag
Climbing on Anything
Jumping Off Everything
Playing with Carolina, Hayden, and Madison Winn
The iPad

Before Aubree I limited Briggs' tv watching to 2 hours a day. Now it is more like 3-5 hours a day. He will watch almost anything and be completely entranced. His favorite shows are:
Dinosaur Train
Super Why
Curious George
Fresh Beat Band
Blue's Clues
Team Umi Zoomi

He discovered the movie Cars and asked to watch it several times a day everyday. Since then he discovered the movies Bolt and Shrek which he now asks to watch daily.

He has become very independent and doesn't want help with anything. He loves to cuddle especially on the mornings while he watches tv and drinks strawberry milk (strawberry protein shake). He has also started climbing into bed with us most mornings around 4 or 5. The best part of that is that he then sleeps most mornings until 8 or 8:30. Now if we could just get Aubree into her own bed and sleeping through the night life would be peachy!

Friday, May 11, 2012

7 Weeks Later

Our sweet Aubree-Rose is 7 weeks old today. Sometimes I can't believe she has been with us this long and sometimes I can't believe it hasn't been longer.
While I was in the hospital with her Brigham spent the night with Madison on Friday and Mark picked him up Saturday night. This was his first sleepover without us and he did great! He is completely in love with Madison though so I am pretty sure he would live there and never miss us. He ate food that I can never get him to eat for me just because Madison was eating it I guess. When they came to the hospital Friday night he couldn't care less about us. I was so glad he was having such a great time since he didn't yet know how much his life was going to be changed once we got home.
Aubree and I got to go home on Sunday. We had to wait for Mark to finish his Spartan Race before he could come and get us. I wish we could have been at the race but a baby is worth missing a race for! On Monday morning I was sitting on the couch holding a sleeping Aubree when Briggs came running down the hall. MOMMY!!!! He was so happy to see me. Then he saw I was holding the baby and he burst into tears. It was heartbreaking. At 3 weeks in he had a lesson in nursery at church about family. After that he has been in love with his sister. He hugs and kisses her all the time. He wants to hold her and feed her. If she is crying he pats her back or belly and tries to give her the pacifier. He is always talking about how cute and pretty she is. I love watching him with her and I am so grateful for whatever was said during that lesson! He liked her ok before that but he mostly ignored her.
Aubree has slowly adjusted to life. I have tried establishing a 3 hour eat, play, sleep routine but she has her own agenda. For a while she was eating full feelings every hour or two. I could not pump every hour and after a couple weeks of trying to keep up with her and not succeeding we got some formula to supplement. This was a life saver. She was no longer hungry all the time which meant she was a happier baby which meant we were a happier family. She only cries when she is hungry, sleepy, or occasionally if needs a diaper change. Up until then we thought she was just a crier. Poor thing was just always hungry. Luckily she was on track with her weight gain so she was getting the calories she needed. At 5 weeks she weighed 10lbs 5oz. When we left the hospital she was 8lbs 5 ozs.
She now has days where she will sleep more than 5 minutes without being held. Then there are days where she refuses to not be held. This would be ok if there was a baby carrier that she liked but no luck there. She will occasionally enjoy the Moby but not consistently. She hated her bassinet so I finally just sold it yesterday. I bought a crib mattress and today we will put her crib together and hope she likes it. I need a safe place to put her so Brigham can't get to her and I need her to start sleeping on her own so I can give Brigham some one on one time, cook dinner, shower, clean up, ect.
She gets up twice at night usually between 3 and 3:30 and again between 5 and 6. On Tuesday and Wednesday night of this week she got up once at 4 and it was glorious and I was hoping it was a new thing but that is not the case. She was up at 3, 5:15, and 7 this morning. She sleeps pretty much all day until 5 or 6 at night. She usually won't go back to sleep until between 9 and 11.
Last Saturday she came down with a stuffy nose. This made her very cranky. She is still a little stuffy which you don't really notice until she is sleeping but she has seemed unaffected once Saturday passed.
On Monday we took her to have her ears pierced. I had several people talk me into it. I have always thought it was cute but I didn't know if I could do it. I thought Mark really wanted it done from what he was saying so I agreed to do it. Well he just thought I really wanted it done so he was saying what he thought I wanted to hear. Ha ha. She did great and barely cried. She cries a lot worse when she wakes from a nap hungry. I still feel awful about it though.
Here are pictures I will have to add captions to once I am on a computer.