So instead of updating on the whole past month, I will just update about our day yesterday and then maybe some other random things will work their way into this post.
So yesterday was one of those days. Briggs and I left just before 9 to get the alignment done on the Jetta. It had been in the shop Monday and Tuesday and then Wednesday we were stuck at home all day because Brigham had a case of strep throat. We did go to the doctor and Target to get his antibiotics but those were not fun trips to make. This was the first time he has had strep and the poor boy was miserable and on top of that he absolutely hates the antibiotics he is on. He normally loves medicine and in the past he has been the one to remind us that he needs to take his antibiotics. At the end of the 10 days he will probably be traumatized. It is always a big ordeal and he screams the whole time. This morning I had to hold him down on the floor and squirt the meds in his mouth while he screamed. So back to yesterday, the guy at the shop told me my battery was going bad. I said thank you and paid for the alignment and left. It was now just after 10 and we were on our way to Fort Mill to pick up some new bar stools. I have been trolling craigslist for months and months and months (ever since our kitchen remodel a year ago!) for bar stools that I wanted. Last week I gave up and just spray painted the ones we had so that they would look better. On Wednesday I just happened to stop by craigslist and saw that there were the very stools I have been wanting all this time for a mere $20 each! What a steal! So I get there yesterday and get the 4 stools loaded in my car and of course my car doesn't start! My battery wasn't going bad, it was bad! So my son with strep throat that is still contagious is sitting in his car seat in a blazing hot black car that is sitting in the middle of a residential street (I tried popping the clutch as I rolled out of the driveway but that obviously did not work). The lady I got the stools from did not have a car or jumper cables and her neighbor was not home. She invited us in but she had a house full of children and I did not want to spread the strep throat so I said we would just wait outside. As I was on the phone with our roadside assistance, a little old lady from the end of the street pulled up. She had a car full of grandchildren that she was taking to a birthday party. She offered to jump me off but she did not have jumper cables and my jumper cables are missing. Then she offered to drive us down to her house where we could watch tv and sit in an air conditioned home while we waited. I could not believe it. We were 2 strangers that she opened her home to and she left us there to take her grandchildren to their party! Her 13 year old granddaughter was at home but she was upstairs the entire time we were there and we never even saw her. I was so grateful for Miss Georgia. She was truly a life saver. The guy arrived 40 minutes after I called and the lady who I got the stools from gave me a call when he got there and we walked on up to her house. Brigham held up like a champ even though he was feeling crummy and we didn't get home until an hour and 15 minutes past nap time! I stopped and got him a vanilla milk shake on the way home since he was so good. He drank some and he played with it more. When Mark got home we went to Wal-Mart to get a new battery. We ended up not getting home until nearly 9:00. I thought it would be a good idea to have some fried zucchini, chicken, and rice. I pulled out the mandolin to slice the zucchini and sliced off a small piece of my thumb. Talk about extremely painful. It is still hurting. It bled for a couple hours but I had a band-aid on it and wrapped it in a towel and continued cooking. I laughed today when Mark asked me if I was embarrassed that I had cut my finger. I said no and asked if I should be. He said he thought I must have been embarrassed because I didn't tell him about it when I first did it. I didn't have a reason to tell him about it. He was getting Briggs ready for bed and I was trying to get dinner made. but now that I think about it, most people probably would have said something about it. All I know is that it is the most painful experience of my life.
In other news, Brigham is getting so smart! He is so observant of so many things we do and it amazes us when he will do whatever it is we are about to do! He says lots of words and even some sentences. He LOVES Blue's Clues more than life itself and whenever he sees the remote he points it to the tv and keeps saying Boo's Coos, Boo's Coos. He gets so excited when we oblige him. He sings along with Mark when Mark sings him his lullaby each night and he also sings along the the Cee-Lo song "Forget You." He loves cars and that is pretty much all he plays with all day long. He can also pick our car out when he sees it and he gets so excited and just keeps saying "car" "car" "car." He will say please and thank you at the proper time and most of the time we do not have to prompt him. He is still pretty conservative with his kisses but he will blow anyone a kiss. He also says "I yuh yoooouuuu." He doesn't say a lot of his words correctly yet but most of them are very easy to figure out. It is amazing at how many words he knows now especially since just 3 months ago he only said amen and shoes.
Milk is like gold to this child. If he spills it, he will lick it up. He actually does this any time he sees liquid on the floor/ground. You would think we deprive him and that he is extremely dehydrated. I think he must just like the extra flavor the ground give to milk and water. And yes, he is in only shoes. Nothing else.
I forget what he was eating here but Mark and his head got most of it.
This was when we were watching the 4th of July fireworks
I have introduced the potty and he loves sitting on it and wiping himself but that is about it. He hasn't peed or pooped into it one time yet. He will say "pee pee" and go and sit on it but that is all. He has however become very good at cleaning pee up off the floor and carpet.
He carried his grinch around for a couple of weeks but that has now stopped. It was cute while it lasted.
This bike was a Christmas gift that I actually just pulled out of the closet. He loves this thing but he doesn't ride. He just pulls it around the house.