On October 5th Briggs had his 1 year check-up. He also had to get shots. He was so happy until that point. I hate shot days. It is just so pitiful. Luckily he only cried for maybe a minute then all was well with the world. We opted out of the MMR but he did get 3 other shots. We will get the MMR eventually but we wanted to limit how many vaccines he got at once.
Here are his measurements:
Height: 31 inches (90th percentile)
Weight: 21lbs 12oz (25th-50th Percentile)**compared to his height his weight is in the 8th percentile ****obviously our scale is off because in a previous post he weighed 24lbs when we weighed him at home.
Head Circumference: 47 cm (75th percentile)
He is a very happy, easy going boy. He still gets a bottle at bed time since we have the formula left. Once it is gone we may do some warm milk in his sippy cup at bed time. He loves cheese and protein shakes more than life its self it seems. He is on hiatus from eating vegetables at the moment but I hope he ends his hiatus soon mostly so that diaper changes are a little less messy. Brigham loves milk and water. He drinks so much from his sippy each day. Sometimes it is surprising at how fast he will empty his cup and be ready for a refill. He has become more cuddly which is sweet and Mark and I love to cuddle with him. His favorite toys are balls and a wooden sword that was Mark's when he was a kid. It's a fairly big sword but Briggs loves just carrying it around with him. It is rather cute. We still don't count any of his "words" as his first words because there isn't anything he says at anything specific. He has become quite the chatter box though and we love having conversations with him.